Thursday, August 22, 2013

31 Days of Prayer for Your Children- Day 1

As a new school year approaches, our church often looks for ways to reach out to parents, teachers, children.  A way that will let them know that God loves them, and so do we.  This summer I ran across a Facebook site "31 Days of Prayer for Your Children"   31 Days of Prayers for Children.  It has such good scriptures selected to pray for kids. 

Our Children's Ministry Team decided we would use this as our jumping off point this Fall.  We made bracelets with each child's name on it, printed out a guide with the scriptures listed, and asked our congregation to take a child (either their own or someone elses) and focus in on God's promises for our kids.  I hope you will check out their FB page, and that you enjoy it as much as I have!

So why pray scriptures?  I have found that praying scripture for your children is so beneficial for several reasons:
  • Builds Confidence-  Often times I hear people who are not confident they are praying "the right way".  They need assurance they are praying and God is listening.  I can assure you if you utter God's name, He listens!  Regardless, those who need reassurance can be reminded that this is God's word.  Pray it, and it will surely be the "right thing".  It will be heard, and it will be said in a way that God can see your heart.  Why?  Because it's His heart growing inside you and coming from your mouth.  The Bible says that His word will not return null or void. 
  • Develops Inner Person-  As I mentioned above, reading and meditating on scripture allows us to see God's heart.  It helps us get to know Him.  If we are created in His image, then we can see who he wants us to be. 
  • Shares God's Promises-  God's promises are shared all throughout scripture.  If we don't take time to discover the promises, then we can't be sure they come true in our life.  Children never forget a promise you make to them, and God doesn't want you to forget His promises to you.

So, We will play catch up (since we are really on Day 4)  Feel free to use this guided prayer as a way to pray for your kids.

Day 1: August 19- Lord, let salvation spring up within this child, that they may obtain the salvation that is in Christ Jesus, with eternal glory. Isaiah 45:8, 2 Timothy 2:10

Dear Lord, We thank you for holding our children in your hands today. We know that you are the God of salvation. We ask that you cause salvation to spring up within this child. You are the way, the truth, and the light. No one comes to the Father except through You. -Amen

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